Human Rights and Democracy

We The People


To build bridges of tolerance, understanding and common cause among diverse communities, advocating for human rights and responsibilities, and environmental rights and responsibilities, including access to healthful food, quality education, housing, employment, healthcare, and child care.


COVID-19 chooses no race or creed, sickens or kills people of all economic classes, and it respects no border walls and knows no boundaries. Collectively, we are only as safe as the most vulnerable people in our population. 

Tragic events and public protests beginning in May 2020 have also shown that we are all victims to racism and injustice.


General Need for Action

“We The People” are the first words of Declaration of Independence, and in essence, the first words of the United States. In 1776, “We” meant wealthy white men, and it’s taken more than two centuries to continue to expand and deepen the meaning and reality of “We”.  

This project uses social media organizing, education, and advocacy to build bridges of understanding and collaboration among students of all backgrounds in schools. Also, We The People facilitates real-world, social entrepreneurial connection and collaboration between students, schools, and community groups.